Adventures In Cloth Diapering - Part 1
Posted by Miranda on 28th Apr 2014
A Little About Me:
My name is Miranda and my husband and I have been married for ten years. We have four children, ranging in ages from just turned 9 all the way down to 22 months, with another on the way.
My Story:
I don’t consider myself to have been raised in a “green” family.Sure, we recycled aluminum cans, food cans, and glass as well as picked up trash as we went for walks.One year, my parents even tried to have our own garden. But that’s about it.
So when I was expecting our first child, cloth diapering was nowhere on my radar.It was still not even something I had even heard much about with our second.However, when our third child was a baby, I started coming across blogs and Facebook pages that boasted all the benefits of cloth.
"he got a raw “chemical burn” looking spot on him. Game Over! I decided we needed to give cloth a real try"
I became intrigued. I casually mentioned something to my husband and he was adamantly opposed. However, I still decided to place a small order when our son was about a year old and I saw a Cloth Diapering Store/Company advertising a sale. I ordered a diaper, couple of inserts, and roll of liners. If you haven’t yet guessed, this ended in complete and utter failure. I had no idea what I was doing.I had no idea that most companies require you to “prep” diapers.To make the story short, we made it through ONE diaper change.There was pee everywhere in puddles on the floor around him. Our sad try landed us back in disposables until he potty trained at a little over two years old.
Next came baby number four. I had no desire to clean pee puddles so we stuck with disposables.This time, however, I had become more aware and thought I was at least doing a little better by ordering “green” disposables. Sure, it was extremely expensive each month that my box got delivered but I had convinced myself that this was the best way to go. Then the company made some changes in ingredients when our son was about 17 months old and he got a raw “chemical burn” looking spot on him. Game over. I decided we needed to give cloth a real try again.
It was now January 2014. New year, new leaf, and a new resolution that I was determined to finally keep. Even though my husband was still not on board, I purchased about eight cloth diapers, inserts, and disposable liners. While the poop scared me, I was a determined mom on a mission. It is now four months later and I can honestly say that I have loved cloth diapering. There have been challenges that I will share with you in my next post but even my husband loves it. I hear him encouraging others to give it a try and I am so proud of how far we have come in overcoming our Cloth Diapering fears.